





년 도 제 목 저 자 발행사항
The Astrological tarot : astromaney Muchery, Georges, Vallior, Marguerite New York : Castle Books, [n.d.]
1930 Arrows of light from the Egyptian Tarot John H. Dequer New York
1941 The pursuit of destiny John H. Dequer New York
1958 The tarot of the Bohemians, absolute key to occult science Papus, New York : Arcanum Books
1970 The tarot : contemporary course of the quintessence of hermetic occultiwn Sadhu, Mouni Hollywood : Wilshire
1971 The Tarot speaks Gardner, Richard London: Tandem
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot Waite, Arthur Edward Stamford, CT : United States Games Systems
stering the tarot : basic lessons in an ancient, mystic art Gray, Eden New York: Crown,
Maps of consciousness : I Ching, tantra, tarot, alchemy, astrology, actualism Metzner, Ralph New York, Macmillan
1974 The Fortune tellers Strachan, Fran coise, New York : Black Watch
The book of Thoth : a short essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians, being the Equinox, volume III, no. V Crowley, Aleister,, Harris, Frieda York Beach, Me. : S. Weiser
Yeats, the tarot, and the Golden Dawn Raine, Kathleen Dublin : Dolmen Press
1977 The tarot path to self development Stuart, Micheline Boulder, Colo.
The tarot : the origins, meaning and uses of the cards Douglas, Alfred Penguin Books
1978 The encyclopedia of tarot Kaplan, Stuart R, Huets, Jean Stamford, CT : U.S. Games Systems
1979 How to read tarot cards Doane, Doris Chase, Keyes, King, New York : Barnes & Noble
1981 The book of tarot Gerulskis-Estes, Susan, Greer, Bill Stamford, CT : U.S. Games Systems
1982 Tarot revelations Campbell, Joseph, Roberts, Richard San Anselmo
1983 Motherpeace : a way to the goddess through myth, art, and tarot Noble, Vicki San Francisco : Harper & Row
Le langage secret du tarot (프랑스어) Simon, Sylvie, Picard, Marcel Paris : Sand, Tchou
1984 The secrets of the tarot : origins, history, and symbolism Walker, Barbara G San Francisco : Harper & Row
The tarot Shavick, Nancy New York: Berkley books
Le Tarot des imagiers du moyen age(프랑스어) Wirth, Oswald [S.l.] : Tchou
1988 Fool's cycle/full cycle : reflections on the great trumps of the tarot Roszak, Theodore, Calif. : Robert Briggs Associates
The Womanspirit sourcebook : a catalog of books,…… & tarot cards, ……, art Wynne, Patrice San Francisco : Harper & Row
Tarot : mirror of the soul : handbook for the Aleister Crowley tarot Ziegler, Gerd York Beach, Me. : S. Weiser
1989 Tarot made easy Garen, Nancy New York : Simon and Schuster
Following your path : a self-discovery adventure journal using myths, symbols, and images Dickerman, Alexandra Collins Fair Oaks, Calif. : New Dimensions
The astrological tarot Muchery, Georges New York : Crescent Books
Joseph Campbell, Jung, Anne Tyler, and The Cards : The Spiritual Journey in Searching for Caleb [microform] Thomson, Karen M Georgia: [s.n.],
1991 Creating your own tarot cards Garen, Nancy New York : Fireside Book
1993 The elements of the tarot Mann, A. T Rockport, MA : Element
The Tarot Mann, A. T Shaftesbury;
Massachusetts: Element
1994 Tarot and individuation : correspondences with cabala and alchemy Gad, Irene York Beach, Me. : Nicolas-Hays
The language of vision : meditations on myth and metaphor Highwater, Jamake New York : Grove Press
The Element tarot handbook : an initiation into the key elements of the tarot Ozaniec, Naomi Shaftesbury, Dorset ; Rockport, Mass
Tarot games : 45 playful ways to explore tarot cards together ; a new vision for the circle of community Johnson, Cait,
Shaw, Maura D 
[San Francisco, CA] : HarperSanFrancisco
1995 Tarot dictionary and compendium Riley, Jana York Beach
Tarot says beware Byars, Betsy Cromer New York : Viking
Tarot card combinations Kelly, Dorothy York Beach, Me. : Samuel Weiser
1996 The complete book of Tarot : a step-by-step guide to reading the cards Sharman-Burke, Juliet New York : St. Martin's Griffin
eine philosophische Hermetik des Narren im Spiegel des Tarot (독일어) Grauf, Heike Pauline, Freiburg im Breisgau : Rombach
Guide de l'interpetation du Tarot : le Tarot demystifie - L'interpretation du Tarot : le Tarot demystifie (프랑스어) Milleville, Claude de [S.l.] : Solar
1997 Tarot as a way of life : a Jungian approach to the tarot Hamaker-Zondag, Karen Samuel Weiser
The tarot handbook : practical applications of ancient visual symbols Arrien, Angeles New York : Jeremy P
Complete book of Tarot spreads Burger, Evelin, Fiebig, Johannes New York : Sterling Pub
1998 The Hanson-Roberts tarot companion Hansson, Susan Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems
Last love in Constantinople : a tarot novel for divination Pavic, Milorad, Christina Chester Springs, PA : Dufour Editions
Power tarot : more than 100 spreads that give specific answers to your most important questions MacGregor, Trish,, Vega, Phyllis New York : Simon & Schuster
Understanding the tarot : a personal teaching guide Sharman-Burke, Juliet New York : St. Martin's Griffin
Tarot for your self : a workbook for personal transformation Greer, Mary K Franklin Lakes, NJ : New Page Books
Niki de Saint Phalle : the Tarot Garden Saint-Phalle, Niki de,, Mazzanti, Anna Milan : Charta
Shapeshifter tarot Conway, D. J, Knight, Sirona St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
Learning the tarot : a tarot book for beginners Bunning, Joan York Beach, Me. : Weiser Books
The sacred circle tarot : a Celtic pagan journey Franklin, Anna St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn
1999 The key to the tarot : what tarot is - and how to consult it Waite, Arthur Edward London : Rider
All about tarot Morag, Hali Hod Hasharon, Israel : Astrolog Pub. House
2000 aTotally Tarot : how to be tarot detective : a beginner's workbook Anderson, Vikki Westport, Conn
Tarot spells Renee, Janina St. Paul, Minn
Tarot and psychology : spectrums of possibility Rosengarten, Arthur St. Paul, Minnesota : Paragon House
The Tarot trumps and the Holy Grail : great secrets of the Middle Ages Starbird, Margaret, Boulder, Colo. : WovenWord Press
Tarot shadow work : using the dark symbols to heal Jette, Christine, St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
2002 Tarot & magic Kraig, Donald Michael St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
Book of fools Williams, Brian, St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
Tarot for your self : a workbook for personal transformation Greer, Mary K Franklin Lakes, NJ : New Page Books
The Haindl tarot : the major arcana Pollack, Rachel, Franklin Lakes, NJ : New Page Books
The Haindl tarot : the minor arcana Pollack, Rachel, Franklin Lakes, NJ : New Page Books
2003 Professional tarot : the business of reading, consulting & teaching Jette, Christine, St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
Tarot card combinations Kelly, Dorothy, Boston, MA : York Beach,
Understanding Aleister Crowley's thoth tarot DuQuette, Lon Milo, Boston, MA : Weiser Books
The complete idiot's guide to tarot, 2nd Edition by Arlene Tognetti and Lisa Lenard  Tognetti, Arlene, Lenard-Cook, Lisa Indianapolis, IN : Alpha
A keeper of words : accompanying book to Legend: the Arthurian tarot Ferguson, Anna-Marie, Rue, Ray, St. Paul, Minn
Tarot, a new handbook for the apprentice Connolly, Eileen Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press
2004 Understanding the tarot court Greer, Mary K, Little, Tom, St. Paul, Minn
The pictorial key to the tarot : being fragments of a secret tradition under the veil of divination  Waite, Arthur Edward, Smith, Pamela Colman Boston, MA : Weiser Books
Guide to the Golden Dawn Enochian skrying tarot : the synthesis of eastern & western magick Genaw, Bill St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
The Gendron tarot Gendron, Melanie Stamford, CT : U.S. Games Systems
Mystical origins of the tarot : from ancient roots to modern usage Huson, Paul  Rochester, Vt. : Destiny Books
The Druid Craft tarot : use the magic of Wicca and Druidry to guide your life Carr-Gomm, Philip, Carr-Gomm, Stephanie, New York : St. Martin's Press
2005 The Original Tarot & You Roberts, Richard  Berwick : Ibis press
The tarot : history, symbolism, and divination Place, Robert Michael New York : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin
A keeper of words : accompanying book to Legend: the Arthurian tarot Ferguson, Anna-Marie, Rue, Ray, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A.: Llewellyn Publications
Pagan Tarot Pace, Gina M, Raimondo, Luca, Torino : Lo Scarabeo
The universal tarot Filadoro, Massimiliano, Angelis, Roberto De, Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo
2006 The complete magician's tables : …, angelic, astrologic, tarot, …, …777 tables. Skinner, Stephen, St. Paul, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
Mary K. Greer's 21 ways to read a tarot card Greer, Mary K Woodbury, Minn : Llewellyn Publications
Portable magic : tarot is the only tool you need Tyson, Donald, Woodbury, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
The particle tarot : the minor arcana McKean, Dave,
Manchevski, Milcho 
[Pacific Grove, Calif.] : Hourglass
Tarot Talismans : Invoking the Angels of the Tarot Cicero, Chic,,
Cicero, Sandra Tabatha,
Woodbury, MN : Llewellyn Publications
2007 Learning tarot spreads Bunning, Joan San Francisco, CA : Weiser Books
Tarot psychology : including a 34 week course of self-study Wang, Robert Columbia, MD : Marcus Aurelius Press
The Gothic tarot compendium : a detailed guide to understanding and using the Gothic tarot Vargo, Joseph,
Iorillo, Joseph
Cleveland, Ohio : Monolith Graphics
The Thoth companion : the key to the true symbolic meaning of the Thoth tarot Snuffin, Michael Osiris Woodbury, Minn. : Llewellyn Publications
2008 The Tarot Professional Rogers, Jez London : Lulu.com
2009 Tarot for life : reading the cards for everyday guidance and growth Quinn, Paul Wheaton, IL : Quest Books
Best tarot practices : everything you need to know to learn the tarot Masino, Marcia,
Pollack, Rachel,
San Francisco, CA : Weiser Books

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